Treatment Spectrum
Fixed Partial DentureTeeth and gums are two very important parts of human body. If, they meet any kind of unexpected situation then do not delay to consult the trained or skilled dentist as soon as possible for effective treatment. You must need to know that missing teeth can allow adjacent teeth to become displaced or irregular in shape. Affected or damaged teeth must be fixed to save as much of the tooth as possible. By taking proper care for dental problems instantly, you reduce the risk of further ailments.
Dental CrownsCrowns are also known as caps. They restore affected teeth and maintain the shape, size and color of adjacent teeth. They are indicated for distorted teeth and teeth with cavities; to prevent teeth which have been treated by root-canal treatment (RCT); to provide extra support for bridges and to cover bad-shaped or stained teeth. It’s made up of metal, porcelain or new restorative material like metal free ceramics. Moreover, they are custom-made and fitted for each patient in conformation with size and length of naturally grown. Generally, they last for five to eight years but proper oral hygiene might also increase their life. Apart from metal, crowns can also be made up of plastic, ceramic or metal alloys. A perfect amalgam of metal and ceramic is also feasible to improve strength and simulate the look of natural teeth. Teeth to be crowned are prepared by reducing the size (usually under local anesthesia) followed by impression or mould of the prepared tooth. Trimming of tooth requires creating space for the crown to be fitted. The mould measured is then dispatched to a laboratory where experts manufacture the crown. Meanwhile, a temporary crown is prepared and fitted on trimmed tooth. Dental BridgesBridge corrects the bite of patient who has one or more teeth missing.. If a missing tooth is not replaced on time then it may bring instability to surrounding teeth resulting in necessary removal, compromise on oral health or change for the curves of face and diminish charm of smile. Contrary to partial dentures, bridges are permanent solutions; patients do not need to remove them. Missing teeth are replaced with artificial solutions connected between two crowns (caps) which are permanently attached or fixed on adjacent teeth. Bridges can also be used to replace a little number of missing teeth if nearby teeth are in strong condition. Number of missing teeth, situation of surrounding teeth, condition of gums and bones are all important elements which need to be assessed before making a bridge. Crowns and bridges can be made of different kinds of raw materials ranging from basic white metals to ceramics and precious metals. It also worth mention that mixture of above given metals is done to make different types of crowns and bridges. include('new-dental-bottom.php'); ?> |